
Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School

Respect and Courtesy



The comprehensiveness of our school demands that we meet the needs of each student. The ALHCS endeavours to continually meet this feat with the following caliber of subjects listed by Forms.


The ALHCS House System operates by divvying up students and staff into five houses namely; Maroon House, Orange House, Pink House, Purple House and Yellow House.

Each house is faithfully supported by a Patron and a Sponsor:

Maroon House - Dragons
Patron: Ms. Vida Lloyd
Sponsor: Highway Rent-A-Car

Orange House - Tigers
Patron: Isa Lake
Sponsor: Summerset Car Rental

Pink House - Panthers
Patron: Mr. Constantine Richardson
Sponsor: Anguilla Printers

Purple House - Lions
Patron: Mrs. Muriel Owen
Sponsor: Triple K Car Rental

Yellow House - Hornets
Patron: Rev. Leonard Carty
Sponsor: J & S Snokonette

Throughout the year, a plethora of academic, athletic, talent and other competitions are held which are House-based. All are encouraged to participate actively in competitions. Each competition is attributed points and the house with the highest number of points is awarded House of the Year!

The 2017-2018 House of the Year is Maroon House!


The Principal and Staff of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School (ALHCS) look forward to welcoming the student population for the school year.

To assist in realizing a positive and productive school year, parents, guardians and students alike are asked to consider the many benefits associated with extra-curricular activity. Adolescents who are active members of school clubs and other organizations have the opportunity to:

  • develop confidence and self-esteem
  • collaborate with others to achieve goals
  • enjoy themselves in wholesome ways
  • develop leadership and other skills
  • contribute positively towards their school and wider community
  • prepare to face the challenges of adulthood

The following clubs will be in operation at the school in the upcoming year. Parents and guardians can discuss with their children/wards which one(s) appeal to them most and plan to join one or more of these school clubs.

  • Anguilla Cadet Corps
  • Caribbean Time
  • Concert Band
  • Environmental Club
  • House System - Academic/ Sports (automatic membership)
  • Incubator (Technological Entrepreneurship)
  • Interact Club
  • Intra-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF)
  • Junior Optimist
  • Junior Red Cross
  • Literary and Debating Society
  • New Young Progressive Debaters (NYPD)
  • Robotics
  • School Choir
  • Spartans (various team sports)
  • Steel Orchestra
  • Student Council (selection/election process)
  • Travel 360

Parents, guardians, well-wishers, please lend your support in whatever way you can to ensure the longevity of these school clubs. Be a part of promoting a positive school climate and building a stronger Anguilla. To volunteer your time and resources please visit the Pastoral Office.
It is an honour to serve!


ALHCS students are highly encouraged to get involved in sports. Apart from each student being timetabled a single period of Physical Education each week, opportunities exist for students to invest their time and energy into several sports and sporting competitions.

The following sporting competitions between houses are held during the year:

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The Careers & Guidance Unit is dedicated to helping individuals to:

  • Learn about themselves, their skills and attributes which would help them to assess and determine their career goals.
  • Find information about the job market.
  • Develop the necessary skills required to survive in the job market.
  • Find information and make informed decisions about Colleges and Universities; apply to and survive in Tertiary institutions.
  • Assist employers in finding employees.
  • Assist employees in finding employment, if such exists.

In collaboration with the public and private sector, the Unit executes three major annual events:

  • College Fair-A live display of various colleges and universities and their programmes and assistance offered. It is open to all students and is usually held in the second term.
  • Job Fair-This vibrant live showcase of a wide cross-section of jobs in an atmosphere teaming with excitement is held in the second term. Open to all students.
  • Job Training-The placement of Year 5 & 6 students in the local job market for six weeks offers them hands on practicality. This unpaid experience allows students the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills learned and to ascertain their compatibilities with their desired jobs. This exercise commences after CXC Examinations conclude in the middle of June.


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Island Scholars

Each year, the Government of Anguilla deems it an honour to fully fund the university education of the student graduating from the ALHCS with the best academic performance. The first award was presented in 1984 to our now principal, Mrs. Rita Celestine-Carty.

The recipients since the inception of the Award have been:

  • 2017 - Arielle Gaskin
  • 2016 - Geselle Hodge
  • 2015 - Kara Hughes
  • 2014 - Jose Vanterpool
  • 2013 - Senegal Carty
  • 2012 - Mikeela Skellekie
  • 2011 - Carencia Rouse
  • 2010 - Kyle Hodge
  • 2009 - Ojeda Vanterpool
  • 2008 - Marisa Harding-Hodge
  • 2007 - Nashara Webster
  • 2006 - Monifa Fahie and Nakishma Rogers
  • 2005 - Felicia Brooks
  • 2004 - Tameika Fleming
  • 2003 - Dilece Connor
  • 2002 - Shellecia Brooks
  • 2001    ----------
  • 2000 - Mary Clare Haskins
  • 1999 - Chantal Lewis and Tara Carter
  • 1998 - Erica Edwards
  • 1997    ----------
  • 1996 - Dawne Richardson

Student Handbook

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