
Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School

Respect and Courtesy



Admission Process
New or returning students are preferably admitted in the summer before the start of the new school year.

Parents and students are required to visit the school and present all of the following documents, belonging to the student, in order to complete the registration process:

  • An official School Transcript
  • A copy of Immunization Card
  • A copy of Passport
  • A passport sized picture
  • An Immigration Letter (if applicable)
  • A receipt from the Immigration Department (if applicable)
  • A School Registration fee of EC$10.00 (Per year)

Pastoral Care

The Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School is committed to the provision of a system of pastoral care for everyone within the institution. The system will concentrate on:

  • the provision of ‘care’ for all members of the school community at each stage of their development.
  • the development of positive attitudes.
  • the compilation of detailed records in the files of every pupil and the eventual evolution of a profile encompassing all aspects of school life.
  • the development of a whole school approach to discipline which places equal emphasis on sanctions as well as rewards.
  • the development of positive teacher/pupil and pupil/pupil relationships.
  • the development of adequate lines of communication with outside agencies such as Medical and Health, Social Development, Probation, Police, Psychological Service and Parents.

The Pastoral Unit is headed by the Deputy Principal- Pastoral who oversees the well-being of students. Heads of Year and Form Tutors work closely with the Deputy Principal to provide such care. Students and parents are encouraged to visit this office to voice concerns, seek a range of assistance and offer support.

The Counseling Department also plays a significant role in the Pastoral Unit. There are five Guidance Counselors who are responsible for the development, coordination and implementation of the Guidance and Counseling programme. Two counselors are at Campus B, two at Campus A and one at PRU. The Counselor at PRU also serves at WISE. The Counselors are available to all students.

Other Support Services staff, including the Drug Counselor and Welfare Officers, also work in tandem with the Pastoral Unit and address critical issues in our school.

Book List
The subjects offered by the ALHCS are supported by a range of texts, supplementary texts and resources. The list is updated annually.

Uniform Code

The Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School purposes to be an institution of excellence. We believe that a standard of excellence in personal appearance is an enablement to a safe and orderly learning environment where disruptions are minimized. Our uniformed student body is a silent yet eloquent representation of our school.


Assemblies are held on two levels: whole-school and year group. General [whole-school] Assembly and year group assemblies will be held on dates and at places specified by the Principal or Head of Year respectively.

They serve two main purposes:

1) To assist in the spiritual, social, moral and ethical development of each child;
2) To pass on relevant information to the students.

All students must attend assembly (unless they have “conscious” objections to doing so and have communicated these to the Principal, or have otherwise been excused).


All students are expected to attend school on time, 100% of the time.

Authorized Absences are extended by the school to cover national business, illness and family emergencies. Other absences will not be considered authorized. Such absences will appear on school reports and could affect the privilege of graduating.

Parents are expected to send a signed letter addressed to their child’s Form Teacher in the event of an absence. A reason for the absence should be clearly stated, along with accurate dates which the child missed. This letter should be delivered to the Form Teacher on the day that the child returns to school after being absent. Peradventure the Form Tutor cannot be reached, the letter should be delivered to the Head of Year.

In an effort to assist the school in matters of discipline, the Ministry of Education has appointed two Education Welfare Officers. Their key duties are as follows:

  • Monitor school attendance and take steps to enforce compulsory regulations for the education welfare of school children.
  • Visit Primary and Secondary Schools to ensure compliance with established regulations for the Education Welfare of students.
  • Prepare operational and informational reports for the Chief Education Officer.
  • Enter and access business premises to investigate the employment of children during school hours.
  • Apprehend and deliver to school and/or parents children who are absent from classes without permission.

Parents are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring their children attend school and are punctual. The Pastoral Department is available to offer counsel to families to help make this a reality.

Letters To Parents?

NB: To upload a letter, you must first log in.

File Name
Read Me.txt View | Download

Parent Surveys

The Shift System has been in operation for almost two years. All parents and guardians are kindly asked to click on the link below and complete the following:

Parent Partnerships

Parents Evening

Year group PTA meetings are held at least once each year. However, parents and guardians are encouraged to contact or schedule an appointment to meet specific teachers as needed.

Dates of Parents’ Evenings are shown on the School Calendar.

Student Reports

Primary School Transition Activity

Coming Soon!




© 2025 - Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School (GOA). All rights reserved.