
Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School

Respect and Courtesy

Our School

Welcome to our website!

"It is an honour to serve", and we are happy to be of service to our students, parents, stakeholders and visitors through this medium.

With five campuses and an average of 1200 students and counting, we are obliged to keep our communication channels open and flowing for enhanced and efficient operation.

We also want you, our community, to get to know us better as we share our educational dreams, opportunities, successes and challenges.

Thank you for visiting us, and we welcome your feedback. Let's keep the conversation going.

Decus est servire.

Structure & Management

The school comprises five (5) campuses: Campus B - Years 1 & 2, Campus A - Years 3, 4, 5 & 6. There are three (3) alternative "care" centres: Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), Workshop Initiative in Secondary Education (WISE) and Developing Our Vision for Education 2 (DOVE 2).

The Senior Management Team (SMT), consisting of the Principal, three Deputy Principals, two Senior Teachers, and the Coordinators of PRU and WISE work in partnership with the Department of Education (DoE) to ensure that a management framework is created in which staff can perform their duties effectively, and students can realize their potential. The DoE is responsible for formulating policy and the Principal for its implementation.

The internal school management operates through a committee structure, chaired and led by senior staff, designed to facilitate consultations, and make decisions. The Senior Management Team meets weekly to address (i) day-to-day matters and (ii) longer term planning. All other committees/groups meet at least once a term.

We strive to create a positive working environment in which all staff feel that they are valued, that they have a real contribution to make to the development of the school, and that any problem can be freely discussed. The structure to achieve the above aim is provided in part by the specific responsibilities of Principal, Deputy Principals. Heads of Departments, Heads of Years, Form Tutors, Subject Teachers, and Counsellors. The other and more difficult part is the positive relationship between all Staff as part of the co-operative decision-making process. This involves Discussion, decision-Making and dissemination of information.

Historical Reflection

Sixty five years ago on 21 September, 1953, a beacon of light flashed on the island of Anguilla with bright hope for the future of secondary education there. The Valley Secondary School opened its doors to about one hundred and fourteen excited, bright-eyed students drawn from a cross-section of the population, who felt themselves privileged to be the first students to attend this brand-new school. They were eager to learn anything new.

In 1953 Anguilla did not have electricity (except you could afford to buy a noisy generator), and owning a gas lamp was considered to be a luxury; so most of the students in those days had to study by oil lamp. One of the chores was to ensure that the lamp was ready with sufficient oil and a clean lamp-shade before sunset. For some students at Valley Secondary School, the period before sunset would have been the best time to complete homework; but don't be too surprised if some of those early students relate to you stories of sometimes studying by moonlight! Yet not many students wore glasses in those days and there were hardly any complaints of eye strain. Today, every house in Anguilla has electricity, not as a luxury, but as a necessity.

Major changes took place in Anguilla as a result of the Anguillian Revolution. Having the capabilities to chart our own course in education was one such positive change. After a Review of Education in 1983, the decision to move from the common entrance exam mechanism of qualifying for entry into secondary school to a comprehensive system was made. This new system would allow each child who was aged twelve by 31st December of that coming school year, automatic entry into secondary school.

As part of the transformation, the name of the school was changed from the Valley Secondary School to the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive College on 30 December, 1985. This was in honour of Mrs. Albena Lake-Hodge Hodge who was the Minister of Education during the time of transitioning to comprehensive education.

In September, 1986 comprehensive education was introduced.

However, after much 'bacchanal' over the rationale of naming it a 'College' the name of the school was modified to its current moniker, Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School on 4th November, 1987.

Over the years changes were necessary to cater for the needs of an ever increasing student population. Under the Valley Secondary School, students and staff were divided into three Houses: A, B, & C or Red, Blue and Green, or Lloyd, Owen and Carty. A House was Red House or Lloyd House, B House or Owen House, and C House or Carty House. Competition was very keen, and house spirit was high. The House Masters and Mistresses were members of staff and this fact helped build spirit and camaraderie between staff and students. The friendly rivalry that existed between houses was a healthy one and helped to prepare the students for the future.

Upon launching into comprehensive education, the three house system was overhauled and expanded into a five house system of Maroon, Orange, Pink, Purple and Yellow. Nationally, this was met with a gamut of emotions ranging from sadness to anger, but change proved inevitable yet again. And since then, 1986, staff and teachers have created a new rivalry that seeks to rival that of the former system.

The growing and diverse population also necessitated that several centres be established. These are the Workshop Initiative in Secondary Education (WISE), Pupils' Referral Unit (PRU) and Developing Our Vision for Education 2 (DOVE 2). They all form part of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School.

Additionally, physical infrastructure was in constant demand by the comprehensive system. After constructing several buildings on the original site (Campus A), a new site at Pope Hill was selected and a facility to house Years 1 & 2 was built and opened its doors for teaching and learning on 3 September, 2001, (Campus B).

With technology being the transformer and impetus of much of our school's overall development, the greatest impact however on the school's infrastructure came in 2017 when Hurricane Irma hit Anguilla on 6 September. Many of the original buildings, including the Principal's Office, and others were badly damaged. Subsequently, almost half of the buildings were demolished within a month of the category five hurricane. Hence, a 'Shift System' with all staff and students utilizing both campuses was operated. Years 1, 2 & 3 attended school from 7am to 11:30am, while Years 4 and 5 attended from 12:15 to 5:10pm, with Year 6 floating throughout the day, mainly stationed in Lake's Building. WISE, PRU and DOVE 2 operated from their separate locations, with WISE having to relocate from the old Cottage Hospital Building to the Rogers Building in Stoney Ground.

Today, graduates of the school have left their mark on each continent and can be found in almost every profession imaginable. Sixty five years ago the Valley Secondary School began with a little over one hundred students. Today, the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School caters to over twelve hundred.

(Significant excerpts were used from the writings of Mrs. Dulcie Richardson and snipets from the work of Mr. Elvet Hughes. Permission was granted.)

Vision Statement

The Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School seeks to exist as a positive, warm, predictable and safe school environment where educators and students are respectful, responsible and resilient and where learning is truly valued and creativity and innovation are the norm.

Mission Statement

The Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment conducive to the delivery of, first, a wide-ranging curriculum that will allow all students the opportunity to excel and, second, a personal development program that will prepare all students to take their place as responsible individuals with the skills and attributes to contribute positively toward Anguillian society and an increasingly globalized world.


Decus Est Servire - It is an honour to serve


  • Value Learning
  • Be Innovative
  • Be responsiBle
  • Be rEspectful
  • Be reSilient

Patriotic Songs & Colours

    God Save the Queen

    God save our gracious Queen,
    Long live our noble Queen,
    God save the Queen!
    Send her victorious,
    Happy and glorious,
    Long to reign over us,
    God save the Queen!

    God Bless Anguilla

    Verse 1
    God bless Anguilla
    Nurture and keep her
    Noble and beauteous
    She stands midst the sea
    Oh land of the happy
    A haven we'll make thee
    Our lives and love
    We give unto thee

    With heart and soul
    We'll build a nation
    Proud, strong and free
    We'll love her hold her
    Dear to our hearts for eternity
    Let truth and right our banner be
    We'll march ever on

    Verse 2
    Mighty we'll make
    Long may she prosper
    God grant her leaders wisdom and grace
    May glory and honour
    Ever attend her
    Firm shall she stand
    Throughout every age
    Sing Out

    Verse 1
    Our eyes have seen the vision
    Our hands in differing ways
    Shall build a peace together
    A school for future days

    Sing out
    Sing out
    Long may she stand
    A place of honour in the land

    Verse 2
    Our minds shall give her beauty
    Our spirits self control
    Together we shall build her
    A strong and living soul

    Verse 3
    Our hearts shall give her courage
    Our lips shall speak her fair
    We'll laugh at her and love her
    Defend her everywhere


    • Orange

    • White

    • Turquoise


    • Blue

    • Gold


Campus A
Location: The Valley

Originally constructed in 1953 with 3 buildings, the site housed all of the then Valley Secondary School. It grew to its largest in 2017 with over 20 separate buildings including two level structures.

It received the name Campus A when a second campus was constructed, in Pope Hill, to house Years 1 & 2 students, Campus B.

Currently, Campus A is drastically reduced in size due to the passage of Hurricane Irma. The remaining structures include classrooms mainly in 'The Hole', the Technical Studies, Home & Food Technology, Hospitality and Business specialist areas with some classrooms retrofitted for Office and Counseling services.

Year 3 classes are accommodated in the mornings and Years 4 & 5 in the afternoonsfor certain subject areas. Form 6 students utilize available space on the Campus as needed throughout the day.

With its future being weighed in the balance, Campus A continues to remain faithful and give of its best to Anguilla even in its closing days.

Campus B
Location: Pope Hill

The purpose of Campus B being built in 2001 was to fully meet the educational needs of Years 1 & 2 students by involving them in a range of subjects and activities.

In 2017, Campus B's utility extended to accommodate Years 4, 5 & 6 as well. This was necessitated by the damage done to Campus A by Hurricane Irma.

A Shift System enabled such to occur with its original customers attending in the morning and the latter, in the afternoon.

The Campus B facility houses the Rodney MacArthur Rey Auditorium which has hosted school functions of every kind and is heavily utilized by the community and private businesses.

Perched on Pope Hill overlooking the Anguilla Football Association Stadium, James Ronald Webster Park and Campus A, Campus B continues to serve Anguilla well.

Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)
Location: The Quarter

This centre was established in 2005. Students who display specific inappropriate behaviour are recommended to the unit where they have an opportunity to continue their education while taking steps to modify their deviant behaviour. When they demonstrate improvement in their behaviour they are then reintegrated into the main stream and are closely monitored.

Developing Our Vision for Education 2 (Dove 2)
Location: The Quarter

This Centre caters for the specific and varying needs of children of secondary school age who are experiencing severe or multiple development delays. Students enrolled in DOVE 2 follow a programme of activities designed to assist them in functional life skills.
Workshop Initiative in Secondary Education (WISE)
Location: Stoney Ground

WISE started in 2004. The centre focuses on students at risk with a practical inclination.

In addition to the core areas, English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Integrated Science, the students are involved in individual projects of their choice in the areas of Carpentry, Boat Building, Bamboo Art, Jewellery Craft, Ceramics, Visual Arts, Agriculture and Gardening, Food Technology, Bike Repair, Information Technology.

The students own the projects. This encourages them to work harder, follow rules and gives them something, which they, their peers and parents see as special.

Admission into WISE occurs through a referral process which is coordinated by the Pastoral Department.

Physical Location

Board of Governors

The ALHCS Board of Governors is appointed by the Minister of Education, except for the Teacher and Student Representatives who are voted in by their peers. The usual term of Board of Governors is three years of service. The Board is responsible for executing the following key functions:

  • Receiving, disbursing and accounting for the expenditure of such sums of money as may from time to time, be voted by the House of Assembly for the Operation of the ALHCS;
  • Making recommendations to the Minister with respect to matters pertaining to the school or the development of secondary education generally;
  • Reviewing, modifying if necessary, and approving the school plan prepared by the administration of the ALHCS;
  • Establishing policies for the administration, management and operation of the ALHCS;
  • Preparing reports, providing information, and performing any duties as may be required under this Act, regulation and guidelines made or issued under this Act, or by the Minister;
  • Appointing where necessary committees consisting wholly or partly of members of the Governing Board;
  • The Board is also empowered to perform such other functions, in relation to the ALHCS, as the Minister of Education requires.

The members of the current board, 2018 -2021, comprises:
  • Chairman - Rev. Dr. Wycherley Gumbs (Religious Representative)
  • Vice Chair- Mrs. Celestine John (Education Representative)
  • Secretary- Ms. Erlyn Wilkinson (Parent Representative)
  • Member- Mr. Monsell Lloyd (Business Representative)
  • Member- Mrs. Althea Hodge (Community Representative)
  • Member- Mr. Stanley Reid (National Interest)
  • Member- Ms. Tyeisha Emmanuel (Student Representative)
  • Member- Ms. Avenella Griffith (Teachers' Representative)
  • Ex-officio Member- Mrs. Rita Celestine-Carty (The Principal)


The policies of the ALHCS are designed for the purpose of guiding behaviour and providing consistency amongst all stakeholders.

ALHCS Staff (2018-2019)

Senior Management Team

  • Principal
    Mrs. Rita Celestine-Carty

  • Deputy Principal – Curriculum
    Mr. Worrel Brooks

  • Deputy Principal – Campus B
    Mrs. Octavia Melsadis Fleming

  • Deputy Principal – Pastoral
    Mrs. Charmaine Rey-Richardson

  • WISE Coordinator
    Ms. Gabriëlle Klaren

  • Pupil Referral Unit Coordinator
    Ms. Sherry Marcia Hodge

  • Senior Teacher – Campus B
    Mr. Perry Richardson

  • Senior Teacher – Examinations
    Mrs. Faun Campbell-Toussaint

Middle Management Team

  • Head of Business Department
    Ms. Avenella Griffith

    Head of Counselling Department
    Mr. Samuel Daniel

    Head of English Department
    Mrs. Vanessa Thompson

    Head of Home and Food Technology Department
    Mrs. Shermin Wrensford-Adams

    Head of Hospitality Department
    Mr. Karl Woodley

    Head of Humanities Department
    Mrs. Michelle Carty

    Head of Information Technology Department
    Mrs. Rochelle Grant

    Head of Mathematics Department
    Mr. Levet Doyle Hughes

    Head of Modern Languages Department
    Mrs. Verrerlyne Bruno-Mason

    Head of Music Department
    Mrs. Kimba Southwell

    Head of Physical Education Department
    Ms. Doreen Richardson

  • Head of Science Department
    Mrs. Mary Smith

    Head of Special Education Needs Department
    Mrs. Katherine Brown

    Head of Technology Department
    Ms. Eva Hodge

    Head of Theatre Arts Department
    Ms. Trevreen Queeley-Javois

    Head of Visual Arts Department
    Mrs. Navene Mairyshaw

    Head of Year 1
    Ms. Sharnette Shaw

    Head of Year 2
    Mrs. Sarah Francis

    Head of Year 3
    Mrs. Joselyn Theophile-Richardson

    Head of Year 4
    Ms. Michelle Queeley

    Head of Year 5
    Ms. Cherise Gumbs

General Teaching Staff

  • Business Department

    • Mrs. Faun Campbell-Toussaint
    • Mrs. Trevesa Frederick
    • Ms. Avenella Griffith
    • Ms. Arlette Gumbs
    • Mrs. Lois Hazell-Carbon ~
    • Ms. Marissa Rey

    Counselling Department

    • Ms. Tashanta Brooks
    • Ms. Jasentha Crawford
    • Mr. Samuel Daniel
    • Mrs. Georgia Matthew
    • Ms. Samantha Warner

    English Department

    • Ms. Amalya Adams
    • Ms. Janelle Anthony
    • Ms. Kebrina Bailey
    • Mrs. Deoranie Bharrat
    • Mrs. Rita Celestine-Carty
    • Mrs. Dayna Connor
    • Ms. Maris Edwards
    • Mrs. Keren Glasgow-Morancie
    • Ms. Michelle Queeley
    • Ms. Sharnette Shaw
    • Mrs. Vanessa Thompson
    • Mrs. Khalia Tyrell-Stewart
    • Mrs. Geron Wiggins
    • Ms. Shanika Webster

    Home and Food Technology Department

    • Mrs. Patsie Federick-Wattley
    • Ms. Cherise Gumbs
    • Mrs. Charmaine Rey-Richardson
    • Ms. Angele Richardson
    • Ms. Emmica Thompson
    • Mrs. Shermin Wrensford-Adams

    Hospitality Department

    • Ms. Kendisha Hall-Prentice
    • Ms. Latoya Matthew
    • Mr. Karl Woodley

    Humanities Department

    • Mrs. Michelle Carty
    • Mrs. Janiera Challenger-Gibson
    • Mr. Neil Gumbs
    • Ms. Kishma Hughes ~
    • Mr. Rondy Isles-Carty
    • Ms. Janet Lake
    • Ms. Verlyndah Rogers
    • Ms. Carina Rouse
    • Mrs. Julienne Weekes

    Information Technology Department

    • Ms. Lisa Anthony
    • Mr. Daniel Fleming
    • Mrs. Rochelle Grant
    • Mr. Akio Lloyd
    • Mr. Andy Matthew ~
    • Mr. Gregory Vidal Permuy ~

    Mathematics Department

    • Mr. Daryl Crump
    • Ms. Keshara George ~
    • Mr. Conlloyd Gumbs
    • Mr. Levet Doyle Hughes
    • Mr. Rommel Hughes
    • Mr. James Richardson
    • Mr. Samir Richardson
    • Mr. Shakaro Richardson
    • Ms. Shauna Richardson
    • Mr. Calvin Ruan
    • Mrs. Felicia Simmonds-Smith

    Modern Languages Department

    • Mr. Randy Bishop
    • Mrs. Verrerlyne Bruno-Mason ~
    • Ms. Juanita Crawford
    • Mr. Ivan Francis
    • Mr. Colin Johnson
    • Ms. Régine Niles ~

    Music Department

    • Mr. Michael Martin
    • Mrs. Kimba Southwell
    • Mr. Lennox Vanterpool

    Physical Education Department

    • Ms. Tricia Bennett
    • Mrs. Lilian Bishop
    • Ms. Doreen Richardson
    • Ms. Rodi Richardson
  • Science Department

    • Mrs. Takoma Carty-Pemberton
    • Ms. Tamara Esdaille-Carty
    • Ms. Natalee Fearon
    • Ms. Melsadis Fleming
    • Mr. Samuel Glasgow
    • Mr. Colin Hazell
    • Ms. Shermiah Laurent ~
    • Mr. Corvette Richardson
    • Mrs. Shari Richardson
    • Mrs. Cheryl Skellekie
    • Mrs. Mary Smith
    • Mrs. Joselyn Theophile-Richardson
    • Ms. Uldean Trim
    • Mr. Jahdo Vanterpool
    • Ms. Karece Webster

    Special Education Needs

    • Mrs. Katherine Brown
    • Ms. Euridith Browne
    • Ms. Randah Connor
    • Mrs. Sarah Francis
    • Ms. Kourtney Smith

    Technical Studies Department

    • Mr. Dwayne Adams
    • Mr. Franklin Brandon
    • Mr. Fabion Brown
    • Mr. Morrel Findlay
    • Mr. Corvel Fleming
    • Ms. Eva Hodge
    • Mr. Malcom James
    • Mr. Gregory Permuy Sr. ~
    • Mr. Carl Whyte

    Theatre Arts Department

    • Ms. Trevreen Queeley-Javois

    Visual Arts Department

    • Ms. Alaina Carty
    • Mrs. Navene Mairyshaw
    • Ms. Canita Ruan
    • Mrs. Dian Samuel

    WISE Staff

    • Ms. Silahis Guico
    • Mrs. Cynthia Gumbs
    • Mr. Darwin Hazell
    • Mr. Roland Hodge
    • Mrs. Kewanah Jean
    • Ms. Gabriëlle Klaren
    • Mr. Trevor Queeley
    • Ms. Rhonda Samuels
    • Mrs. Lennora Taylor-Allen

    PRU Staff

    • Mr. Tyrone Brooks
    • Mr. Henderson Burgess
    • Mrs. Leonise Francis
    • Ms. Sherry Marcia Hodge

    Part-time Teachers

    • Ms. Simone Connor (Science)
    • Mr. Stanley Reid (Humanities)

    Teaching Assistants

    • Mrs. Aieasha Hodge (Dove 2)
    • Ms. Deloris Hodge

    Anguilla Careers & Guidance Unit

    • Mrs. Anita Martin-Ruan

~ Teaches in more than one department

Academic School Year (2018-2019)

School Dates

The school year comprises three terms:

Michaelmas Term
3rd September - 14th December 2018

Mid-term Break
24th October - 26th October 2018

Lenten Term
7th January - 12th April 2019

Mid-term Break
To coincide with Leeward Islands Debating Competition

Trinity Term
23rd April - 5th July 2019

School Day

Interim Shift System School Hours


Years 1 and 2 - Campus B, Year 3 - Campus A, WISE and PRU

Staff Briefing7:00am to 7:05am
Student Registration7:05am to 7:15am
Period 17:15am to 7:55am
Period 27:55am to 8:35am
BREAK8:35am to 8:45am
Period 38:45am to 9:25am
Period 49:25am to 10:05am
Period 510:05am to 10:45am
Period 610:15am to 11:30am


Years 4 and 5 - Campus A & B

Staff Briefing12:15pm to 12:20pm
Student Registration12:20pm to 12:30pm
Period 112:30pm to 1:15pm
Period 21:15pm to 2:00pm
BREAK2:00pm to 2:10pm
Period 32:10pm to 2:55pm
Period 42:55pm to 3:40pm
Period 53:40pm to 4:25pm
Period 64:25pm to 5:10pm


Year 6 - Campus A, B and Lake's Building

Subject Classes are scheduled from 7:00am to 5:10pm using the same time slots of the Morning and Afternoon Shifts and are based on Subject Teacher availability.


DOVE 2 - Auckland House

The Centre operates from 8:30am to 3:00pm.

Statement of Philosophy

The school is expected to serve as a vital force in achieving the goal of the "good life" for every Anguillian. Hence the educational programme in a secondary school would acquire vitality and strength when its major goal is the improvement of each individual and of the larger community.

The driving force of a secondary school programme would be derived from the problems and concerns of the people, who live, work and have their being in the community. The school must be organized to help children and young people to identify the problems confronting them and to deal with these problems by bringing their intelligence, individually and co-operatively, and the resources of the community to bear as part of the solution.

From these experiences, each student will be better able to understand the complexities of the social and economic environment and to adapt to his or her ever-changing physical, emotional and intellectual needs. These experiences must also contain valid activities that can enable them to make valuable contributions to community development with competence, confidence and commitment.




© 2025 - Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School (GOA). All rights reserved.